Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Week 9


This site is great because it compiles a lot of information in one place for teachers to have easy access. A lot of the information provided proves to be helpful because the lists are things that we know but at any given moment would never be able to remember. Obviously, a teacher will think about things like appropriateness and potential uses, but maybe technical aspects would slip their minds. (Although after this class, technical aspects will never again slip my mind!) The range of materials described is also a plus, because while many teachers may easily be able to tell if a book or a video is appropriate and useful for the class, webportals, video disks and annotating courseware might be new ideas.
In the classroom, or as a teacher rather, this would useful in that it would concentrate all the information I need to be thinking about, sort of like making a "to-do" list of figuring out academic appropriateness. It gives hints and lists and even forms to fill out, like Kathy Schrock's evaluation form and the SIIA Checklist. This information would almost be more useful at a school or district level in order to evaluate components for whole schools rather than putting all the pressure towards teachers on an individual level. I suppose they already have a system similar to that in regards to a lot of their materials, but on a completely different note than this site, budget allowing, schools should pre-approve more materials for teachers to use so that when the time comes to use something teachers already have a good idea of what to use.

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